Frozen ice holes have plagued ice fishermen since the beginning of the sport and there have been many techniques used to keep ice holes from freezing. However, the only technique that is 100% effective in eliminating ice build up in an ice fishing hole is the Ice Defense from Cold Nation Outdoors.
Literally an ice fishing hole de-icer, the Ice Defense Pro Series mounts to your ice fishing sonar and runs off the same battery keeping your ice hole from freezing and allowing you to catch more fish while ice fishing. The Ice Defense Pro Series attaches to your ice fishing sonar’s transducer cable and sits at surface level in the ice hole. It draws warmer water from below the water surface and redistributes it at surface level actively MELTING the ice in your ice hole.
Eliminating ice buildup and keeping ice holes open has never been so easy! If you want to keep your ice fishing holes from freezing and never use an ice fishing scoop again, the Ice Defense Pro Series is for you!